Regular cohorts, next group starts 22nd October

Are you a woman at a crossroads, feeling emotionally stuck, overwhelmed with making decisions and unsure of your next steps?

Do you feel like you need to change, but fear holds you back every time you try to take that first step?

You know deep down it’s time to do something about the way you feel but the fear, stress and anxiety, the low self confidence, the guilt, the shame, are weighing on your shoulders, and the thought of starting feels overwhelming.

You’re not alone.

Many women feel the same—wanting, longing for relief, but unsure how to begin.

What if there was a gentle path to help you uncover the answers already within you?

I understand that taking the first step can be the hardest part, because I have been there myself when I was entering perimenopause, dealing with a broken marriage and a child who was going through a severe mental health illness.

So I have designed innerjourneys to help you step into your healing path with ease, grace and at your own pace.

innerjourneys is a gentle and supportive 6-week group program for a small circle of just 5 women.

This safe, intimate space allows you to heal and reconnect with yourself at your own pace—silently if that feels best for you.

There’s no pressure to speak or share your experiences unless you want to.

This isn’t about pushing yourself or forcing change.

This journey is about finding your own answers, moving forward at your own pace, self-empowering yourself step by step.

innerjourneys helps you reconnect with yourself and start feeling more like the person you were meant to be.

It’s a gentle, personalised journey of healing and self-discovery.

During the group sessions we will use the power of the vibration of sound and the internal movement of your vital energy will soothe your mind and body, making it easier to release the tension and stress that’s been holding you back.

With each session, you’ll feel the resistance softening, a deeper sense of calm settling in as a new freer, more authentic version of you emerges.

During the 1to1 coaching sessions you will became aware of all the stories, unconscious beliefs and past experiences that are making you feel the way you feel today. This is a gentle and guided process; you will go at your pace and you will be held in a safe and non-judgmental space.

If you are ready to transform your life let me guide you on this healing journey.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Take a deep breath, trust the process, and allow yourself to take that brave first step because your healing journey can begin today, one gentle step at a time.



(normally £1,111)

  • ⁠6 weekly group sessions

  • ⁠6 weekly 30 minutes 1to1 sessions

  • ⁠Online emotional & energetic healing

  • ⁠Group program

  • ⁠6 weeks

  • Small circle of just 5 women

  • ⁠Tuesdays 11am -12pm

  • ⁠Starts on the 22nd of October 2024

We start on Tuesday 22nd October


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